Careers Quotes

With the failure of “New York, New York” … I felt the creativity was just punched out of me. … It was an experiment, a curiosity, to try to find if I could ever care enough to get back on the set. … I didn’t care anymore. And I had to find if I can […]

I knew that commercially, if I wanted to make it mainstream, I would have to be nonthreatening to Betty and Joe Beercan. And what I did was I came up with a recipe, which was one part Cher, two parts David Bowie, one part, you know, Diana Ross and two heaping spoonfuls of Dolly Parton.

I thought my future would be – I’d be a star. I’d be a famous star. I didn’t know how I would do that. In my mind, I thought, well, we’ll start with – I’ll be the next David Bowie, and that’s where it started. But then as life unfolded, other things came up, and […]

Looking back at my life and extensive career, I am so proud of my work and accomplishments. I love growing older and wiser with time.

To be a part of good storytelling. The goal was about that. And nothing threw me off, neither poverty nor discouragement. Nothing threw me off.

That’s what I tell young people, young couples — it’s gonna come full circle, especially if you have little kids and you’re working, you have a career. You look over at that guy, and you’re like, ‘Ooh, why did I do this? I don’t even remember.’ But you come full circle. Kids are out of […]

Well, I don’t really have Instagram — I don’t have Instagram or Twitter or any of that stuff. So, most of my daily life is getting into cars and showing up to a set.

I have a favorite made-up statistic that of every thousand people who set out to write, only one will become a professional writer. The others will fall out along the way in the face of constant rejection, constant rebuff, the psychic put-down that the rejection slip consistently represents or as it is interpreted.

Aside from painting and gardening, I’m good for nothing.

If you’re out of a job, for you it’s a depression.