Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, other, new insights begin.
Capable Quotes
Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
Choose a subject equal to your abilities; think carefully what your shoulders may refuse, and what they are capable of bearing.
Neither sex, without some fertilization of the complimentary characters of the other, is capable of the highest reaches of human endeavor.
A learned person is not learned in everything; but the capable person is capable in everything, even in what he is ignorant of.
Human beings do not do all evil of which they are capable.
I want nothing to do with any order, religious or otherwise, which does not teach people that they are capable of becoming happier and more civilized, on this earth, capable of becoming true man, master of his fate and captain of his soul. To attain this, I would put priests to work, also, and turn […]
Each man is capable of doing one thing well. If he attempts several, he will fail to achieve distinction in any.
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
Nothing is capable of being well set to music that is not nonsense.