Brotherhood Quotes

To feel that others, equally with ourselves, are members of the human race is the most difficult of arts. The idea of equality, as an idea, is easy to accept, but it is hard to translate into an emotion.

Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics And the Catholics hate the Protestants And the Hindus hate the Moslems And everybody hates the Jews But during National Brotherhood Week – National Brotherhood Week – It’s National Everyone-Smile-At- One-Another-hood Week Be nice to people who Are inferior to you It’s only for a week, so have no […]

Only when man succeeds in developing his reason and love further than he has done so far, only when he can build a world based on human solidarity and justice, only when he can feel rooted in the experience of universal brotherliness, will he have transformed his world into a true, human home.

During National Brotherhood Week various special events are arranged to drive home the message of brotherhood. This year, for example, on the first day of the week Malcolm X was killed – which gives you an idea of how effective the whole thing is. I’m sure we all agree that we ought to love one […]

The Europeans in South Africa dread the advent of Islam, as they (Muslims) claim equality with the white races. They may well dread it. If brotherhood is a sin, if it is equality of the colored races that they dread, then their dread is well-founded.

To correct the evils, great and small, which spring from want of sympathy and from positive enmity among strangers, as nations or as individuals, is one of the highest functions of civilization.

If you really believe in the brotherhood of man, and you want to come into its fold, you’ve got to let everyone else in, too.

All your strength is in your union. All your danger is in discord. Therefore be at peace henceforward. And as brothers live together.

A low capacity for getting along with those near us often goes hand in hand with a high receptivity to the idea of the brotherhood of men.

There is a destiny that makes us brothers, None goes his way alone; All that we send into the lives of others, Comes back into our own. (original Guiding Light opening tagline)