Every book is a quotation; and every house is a quotation out of all forests and mines and stone quarries; and every man is a quotation from all his ancestors.
Books Quotes
Never read a book about a book; read the book.
I am prepared to say only one twentieth of one percent of the American people reads books carefully. But that is one hundred thousand people. And that is all I ever ask for. Some people think that they must write for two hundred million Americans. This is a terrible mistake.
Books are for the scholars’ idle times. When he can read God directly, the hour is too precious to be wasted in other men’s transcripts of their readings. But when the intervals of darkness come, as come they must – we repair to the lamps which were kindled by their ray, to guide our steps […]
Sincere books may sometimes have a certain salutary pungency. Personally I deplore… those sugary confections which readers swallow without realizing that they are quietly poisoning themselves. It had always been my belief that the novelist, like the traveller, enjoyed the liberty to describe what he saw. Following the example of many others, I could have […]
You won’t find the Alice books reprinted in Mortimer Adler’s set of “The Great Books of the Western World”, but I venture to state the following: It is permissible today to consider a person educated if he or she has not read, say “Das Capital” or books by Hegel and Freud, or indeed more than […]
I am filling my house with books which I am bound to read, and wondering whether the new heavens which await the soul (after the fatal hour) will allow the consultation of these.
Judge the goodness of a book by the energy of the punches it has given you… I believe that the greatest characteristic of genius, is, above all, force.
Books are a delightful society. If you go into a room filled with books, even without taking them down from their shelves, they seem to speak to you, to welcome you, to tell you that they have something inside their covers that will be good for you, and that they are willing and desirous to […]
Nature and Books belong to the eyes that see them.