Bible Quotes

They will now find that I have furnished myself with a Bible and Testament; and I can say also that I have found them to be much worse books than I had conceived. If I have erred in any thing, in the former part of the Age of Reason, it has been by speaking better […]

I am very sorry to know and hear how unreverently that most precious jewel, the Word of God, is disputed, rhymed, sung and jangled in every ale-house and tavern, contrary to the true meaning and doctrine of the same. (on the translation of the Bible into English, 1545)

It (The Bible) has lost power in the proportion that man has gained knowledge.

We see nothing worthwhile in this book. It is most evil, injurious, fallacious, divisive book ever written. It has caused more deaths, tortures and suffering than any other book ever written. It has been the most oft-used instrument for holding back human progress for thousand years. It has been the cause of more wars than […]

Bibles laid open, millions of surprises.

The Old Testament describes the hell of the past, and the New the hell of the future.

All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more and more strongly the truths that come on high and are contained in the sacred writings.

Calvin was as near like the God of the Old Testament as his health permitted.

American fundamentalism has one huge problem which is that the United States is nowhere pre-figured in the Bible. It worries them a lot, they keep trying to find it there, they try to interpret prophecies to refer to the United States, but they can’t succeed – even to their own satisfaction – in getting it […]

Nearly all of the mistranslations have been made to help out the text. It would be much worse, much more contradictory had it been correctly translated. Nearly all of the mistakes have been made for the purpose of harmony.