Believe - Belief Quotes

The best protection for the people is not necessarily to believe everything people tell them.

Even people of the deepest and most instinctive moderation nourish a secret belief that post-revolutionary societies may have some kind of unique virtue – a certain intangible dignity, perhaps. (They sometimes manifest this belief by their desire to read, over and over again, that it’s not true.) They cannot quite manage to accept that all […]

The British Israelites believe the white Anglo-Saxons of Britain to be descended from the ten lost tribes of Israel deported by Sargon of Assyria on the fall of Sumeria in 721 B.C… They further believe that the future can be foretold by the measurements of the Great Pyramid, which probably means it will be big […]

To me, the spectacle of demagogues sending millions of people to their deaths, wrecking the world with holy wars and bloodshed, tearing down nations to put over some religious or political ‘truth’ is – Obscene. Filthy – they’re the opinions of absolutist individuals forced on whole continents. And it has nothing to do with the […]

Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief.

There is no way of proving your point to someone whose income or position depends on believing the contrary.

Man is a being born to believe, and if no church comes forward with the title deeds of truth, he will find altars and idols in his own heart and his own imagination.

Once a doctrine, however irrational, has gained power in a society, millions of people will believe in it rather than feel ostracized and isolated.

In a country as large as the United States it is possible to find at least fifty people who will believe, buy, try, or practice anything.

He was the Word, that spake it: He took the bread and brake it; And what that Word did make it, I do believe and take it.