Atheism Quotes

They now have a 900 number for atheists. When you call, nobody answers and you get charged for the call.

I tried atheism for a while, but my faith just wasn’t strong enough.

Atheists believe that Nobody is responsible for this mess.

I might have become a Catholic if the Church were a little hipper. Like if the host were fudge, I’d be there for that. Body of Christ, with or without nuts.

That God does not exist, I cannot deny, That my whole being cries out for God I cannot forget

To me, faith is not better because it is atheistic rather than theistic. I am an atheist because of a “lack” of faith, “not” because of a different faith.

God is dead and no one cares. If there is a hell, I’ll see you there.

She believed in nothing. Only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist.

If I wanted a loving father, a faithful husband, an honorable neighbor, and a just citizen, I would seek him among the band of Atheists.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.