Art Quotes

All creative art is magic, is evocation of the unseen in forms persuasive, enlightening, familiar and surprising.

Art is the most beautiful deception: and no matter how much a man may wish to make it the setting for his daily life, he must still desire that it remain an illusion lest it become utilitarian, and as dreamy as a workshop. Do not the masses as well as the select few seek therein […]

Painting is a science and should be pursued as an inquiry into the laws of nature. Why, then, may not landscape painting be considered as a branch of natural philosophy, of which pictures are but the experiments.

The artist does not draw what he sees, but what he must make others see.

An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one.

Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.

The role of art today, again, is to be ahead of the times, to try to criticize and to be very aggressive against the injustices in our societies. There’s an extraordinary exhibition in Paris now on surrealism, the revolution of the cult of surrealism. You can see the surrealists went against the traditional ways of […]

Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do.

Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation, it is a corpse.

There have been a lot of unfortunate cases of writers, painters, who have been melancholic, depressed, taken their own lives. I don’t think it goes with the territory. I think those people would have been depressed, or alcoholic, suicidal, whatever, even if they weren’t writing. I just think it’s their characterological makeup. Whether that characterological […]