Art Quotes

I don’t paint to live, I live to paint.

Life obliges me to do something, so I paint.

All this being so, it is not strange that the artist is an especially interesting case for the psychologist who uses an analytical method. The artist’s life cannot be otherwise than full of conflicts, for two forces are at war within him – one the one hand, the common longing for happiness, satisfaction and security […]

The more minimal the art, the more maximum the explanation.

The voice of the artist draws its strength from his being born to a loneliness that calls out to the Universe to give it a human voice, and in the great art of the past there survives for us the invincible inner voice of vanished civilizations… Each masterpiece purifies the world, and their common lesson […]

How can we doubt that it is his art that explains the artist, and not the insufficiencies and conflicts of his personal life? These are nothing but the regrettable results of the fact that he is an artist – that is to say, a man who from his very birth has been called to a […]

Art is the objectification of feeling, and the subjectification of nature.

You can only make art that talks to the masses when you have nothing to say to them.

To grasp the meaning of the work of art, we must allow it to shape us as it once shaped the artist. The we understand the nature of his experience. We see that he has drawn upon the healing and redeeming forces of the collective psyche that underlies consciousness in all its isolation and its […]

The business of art is to reveal the relation between man and his environment.