Art Quotes

I arrange my subject as I want it, then I go ahead and paint it, like a child… I want a red to be sonorous, to sound like a bell; if it doesn’t turn out that way, I add more reds and other colors until I get it. . . I am no cleverer than […]

If my husband ever met a woman on the street who looked like one of his paintings he would faint. (wife of Pablo Picasso)

Art like life, should be free, since both are experimental.

You say that we need to move towards light and colors. No. Here too our task is content. The face, the spirit of a person, the drama of life, impressions of nature, its life and meaning, the spirit of history – those are our themes, it seems to me. Paints for us are a tool. […]

Art means to dare – and to have been right.

Nothing is so poor and melancholy as art that is interested in itself and not in its subject.

A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts.

(An art article by Thomas Hoving) starts with a common apologia for modernist drips and splatters: “All art’s abstract.” With this statement he attempts to confer authenticity on talentless charlatans like Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock, as if their splotches and splatters could somehow reasonably be compared to Rembrandt, David, Ingres or Bouguereau. If you […]

Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend.

There are three forms of visual art: Painting is art to look at, sculpture is art you can walk around, and architecture is art you can walk through.