The first duty of a wise advocate is to convince his opponents that he understands their arguments, and sympathizes with their just feelings.
Arguing - Arguments Quotes
If you spend all of your time arguing with people who are nuts, you’ll be exhausted and the nuts will still be nuts.
He’d undertake to prove, by force of argument, a man’s no horse. He’d prove a buzzard is no fowl, and that a Lord may be an owl, a calf an Alderman, a goose a justice, and rooks, Committee-men or Trustees.
Men’s arguments often prove nothing but their wishes.
Arguments out of a pretty mouth are unanswerable.
Somebody has to have the last word. If not, every argument could be opposed by another and we’d never be done with it.
The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than the most superficial declamation; a feather and a guinea fall with equal velocity in a vacuum.
A man who is furnished with arguments from the mint will convince his antagonist much sooner than one who draws them from reason and philosophy.
Expediency may tip the scales when arguments are nicely balanced.
Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory.