The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that fits all cases.
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Having it all doesn’t necessarily mean having it all at once.
The man who seeks one thing in life and but one May hope to achieve it before life is done; But he who seeks all things, wherever he goes Only reaps from the hopes which around him he sows A harvest of barren regrets.
I am a part of all that I have met.
All are but parts of one stupendous whole, whose body Nature is, and God the soul.
Tis but a part we see, and not a whole.
Are you to pay for all you have with all you are?
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The part is greater than its role in the whole.
We can’t all be heroes because someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.
Don’t fool yourself that you are going to have it all. You are not. Psychologically, having it all is not even a valid concept. The marvelous thing about human beings is that we are perpetually reaching for the stars. The more we have, the more we want. And for this reason, we never have it […]