Aim Quotes

I’ve always believed the greater danger is not aiming too high, but too low, settling for a bogey rather than shooting for an eagle.

Aim, n. The task we set our wishes to.

The aim, if reached or not, makes great the life; Try to be Shakespeare, leave the rest to fate!

In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.

It is necessary to try to surpass oneself always; this occupation ought to last as long as life.

It is important that an aim never be defined in terms of activity or methods. It must always relate directly to how life is better for everyone… The aim of the system must be clear to everyone in the system. The aim must include plans for the future. The aim is a value judgment.

Aim high, and you won’t shoot your foot off.

A good archer is not known by his arrows but his aim.

Methods and means cannot be separated from the ultimate aim.

When a man is no longer anxious to do better than well, he is done for.