Advice Quotes

It is bad advice that cannot be altered.

No one wants advice – only corroboration.

Advice is like cooking – you should try it first before you feed it to others.

Many receive advice, few profit by it.

How is it possible to expect mankind to take advice when they will not so much as take warning?

Advice is never appreciated. If it turns out well, the recipient thinks it was his own idea; and if it turns out badly, he eternally blames the giver.

Never give advice – it will just backfire on you.

Enough of this! Advice helps only him who gives it, and that only insofar as it lightens the burdens of conscience. In the final event, you will do what fate and your breeding dictate, and my advice will affect your future as much as a cherry blossom falling into the river alters its course.

A lot of people want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity.

One can give advice comfortably from a safe port.