Much of what sophisticates loftily refer to as the “complexity” of the real world is in fact the inconsistency in their own minds.
Thomas Sowell Quotes
Facts do not “speak for themselves.” They speak for or against competing theories. Facts divorced from theories or visions are mere isolated curiosities
You might think that the collapse of communism throughout Eastern Europe would be considered a decisive failure for Marxism, but academic Marxists in America are utterly undaunted. Their paychecks and their tenure are unaffected. Their theories continue to flourish in the classrooms and their journals continue to litter the library shelves.
Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late.
Deep thinkers who look everywhere for the mysterious causes of poverty, ignorance, crime and war need look no further than their own mirrors. We are all born into this world poor and ignorant, and with thoroughly selfish and barbaric impulses. Those of us who turn out any other way do so largely through the efforts […]
To those who feel that their values are the values, the less controlled systems necessarily present a spectacle of “chaos,” simply because such systems respond to a diversity of values. The more successfully such systems respond to diversity, the more “chaos” there will be, by definition, according to the standards of any specific set of […]
“Change” is a blank check – and as dangerous as any other blank check. There is no reason to be automatically for or against anything as vague and sweeping as change. Everything depends on the specific merits or demerits of particular changes. But the ease with which so many people embrace undefined “change” is scary. […]
Capitalism is not an “ism.” It is closer to being the opposite of an “ism,” because it is simply the freedom of ordinary people to make whatever economic transactions they can mutually agree to.
Capitalism knows only one color: that color is green; all else is necessarily subservient to it, hence, race, gender and ethnicity cannot be considered within it.
People who claim that sentencing a murderer to “life without the possibility of parole” protects society just as well as the death penalty ignore three things: (1) life without the possibility of parole does not mean life without the possibility of escape or (2) life without the possibility of killing while in prison or (3) […]