Thomas Paine Quotes

The New Testament, compared with the Old, is like a farce of one act.

It is not a God, just and good, but a devil, under the name of God, that the Bible describes.

That God cannot lie, is no advantage to your argument, because it is no proof that priests can not, or that the Bible does not.

Therefore we say that a lying Spirit has been in the mouth of the writers of the books of the Bible.

We must be compelled to hold this doctrine to be false, and the old and new law called the Old and New Testament, to be impositions, fables and forgeries.

Whoever will take the trouble of reading the book ascribed to Isaiah, will find it one of the most wild and disorderly compositions ever put together; it has neither beginning, middle, nor end; and, except for a short historical part, and a few sketches of history in the first two or three chapters, is one […]

Isaiah is, upon the whole, a wild, disorderly writer, preserving in general no clear chain of perception in the arrangement of his ideas, and consequently producing no defined conclusions from them. It is the wildness of his style, the confusion of his ideas, and the ranting metaphors he employs, that have afforded so many opportunities […]

Now, Sir, it is impossible for serious men, to whom God has given the divine gift of reason, and who employs that reason to reverence and adore the God that gave it, it is I say, impossible for such a man to put confidence in a book that abounds with fable and falsehood as the […]

As to the people called Christians, they have no evidence that their religion is true. There is no more proof that the Bible is the Word of God, than the Koran of Mohammed is the Word of God.

They will now find that I have furnished myself with a Bible and Testament; and I can say also that I have found them to be much worse books than I had conceived. If I have erred in any thing, in the former part of the Age of Reason, it has been by speaking better […]