Samuel Johnson Quotes

I would rather be attacked than unnoticed. For the worst thing you can do to an author is to be silent to his works.

My Dear Sir: Are you playing the same trick again, and trying who can keep silence longest? Remember that all tricks are either knavish or childish; and that it is as foolish to make experiments upon the constancy of a friend as upon the chastity of a wife.

You hesitate to stab me with a word, and know not – silence is the sharper sword.

Calumnities are best answered with silence.

I deny the lawfulness of telling a lie to a sick man for fear of alarming him; you have no business with consequences you are to tell the truth.

No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned.

Wickedness is always easier than virtue; for it takes the short cut to everything.

Faction seldom leaves a man honest, however it might find him.

A wise Tory and a wise Whig, will, I believe, agree. Their principles are the same, though their modes of thinking are different. A high Tory makes government unintelligible; it is lost in the clouds. A violent Whig makes it impracticable: he is for allowing so much liberty to every man, that there is not […]

Dr. Johnson now said, a certain eminent political friend of ours (Burke) was wrong, in his maxim of sticking to a certain set of “men” on all occasions. “I can see that a man may do right to stick to a “party”,” said he; “that is to say, he is a “Whig”, or he is […]