Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes

But the Roman Catholic Church is the enemy of intellectual liberty. It is the enemy of investigation. It is the enemy of free schools. That church always has been, always will be, the enemy of freedom. It works in the dark. When in the minority it is humility itself – when in power it is […]

This crime called blasphemy was invented by priests for the purpose of defending doctrines not able to take care of themselves.

Blasphemy is an epithet bestowed by superstition upon common sense.

Christ was crucified by a religious rabble for the crime of blasphemy. Nothing is more gratifying to a religionist than to destroy his enemies at the command of God. Religious persecution springs from a due admixture of love towards God and hatred towards man.

There is this strange thing about the history of theology – nobody has ever been charged with blasphemy who thought God bad. For instance, it never would have excited any theologian if a man had insisted that God would finally damn everybody. Nearly all heresy has consisted in making God better than the majority in […]

The Old Testament describes the hell of the past, and the New the hell of the future.

Calvin was as near like the God of the Old Testament as his health permitted.

Nearly all of the mistranslations have been made to help out the text. It would be much worse, much more contradictory had it been correctly translated. Nearly all of the mistakes have been made for the purpose of harmony.

The inspired Bible has been and is the greatest curse of Christendom, and will so remain as long as it is held to be inspired.

Hundreds and hundreds of commentators have obscured and darkened the meaning of the plainest texts, spiritualized dates, names, numbers and even genealogies. They have degraded the poetic, changed parables to history, and imagery to stupid and impossible facts. They have wrestled with rhapsody and prophecy, with visions and dreams, with illusions and delusions, with myths […]