Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes

It is contended by many that ours is a Christian government, founded upon the Bible, and that all who look upon that book as false or foolish are destroying the foundation of our country. The truth is, our government is not founded upon the rights of gods, but upon the rights of men. Our Constitution […]

No day can be so sacred but that the laugh of a little child will make it holier still.

All who doubted or denied would be lost. To live a moral and honest life – to keep your contracts, to take care of wife and child – to make a happy home – to be a good citizen, a patriot, a just and thoughtful man, was simply a respectable way of going to hell. […]

Character survives; goodness lives; love is immortal.

In the olden times the church, by violating the order of nature, proved the existence of her God. At that time miracles were performed with the most astonishing ease. They became so common that the church ordered her priests to desist. And now this same church – the people having found some little sense – […]

Thousands of volumes could not contain the crimes of the Catholic Church. They could not contain even the names of her victims.

At the bottom of the ladder is Catholicism, and at the top is Science.

But the Roman Catholic Church is the enemy of intellectual liberty. It is the enemy of investigation. It is the enemy of free schools. That church always has been, always will be, the enemy of freedom. It works in the dark. When in the minority it is humility itself – when in power it is […]

That church teaches us that we can make God happy by being miserable ourselves;.

It may be said that Luther and Comte endeavored to reform the Catholic Church. Both were mistaken, because the only reformation of which that church is capable is destruction. It is a mass of superstition.