Robert Green Ingersoll Quotes

I belong to the Great Church which holds the world within its starlit aisles; that claims the great and good of every race and clime; that finds with joy the grain of gold in every creed, and floods with light and love the germs of good in every soul.

What church is an asylum for a persecuted truth?

It is a blessed thing that in every age some one has had individuality enough and courage enough to stand by his own convictions. I believe it was Magellan who said, “The church says the earth is flat; but I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more confidence even in a […]

That church (Catholic) teaches us that we can make God happy by being miserable ourselves.

By the efforts of these infidels, the name of God was left out of the Constitution of the United States. They knew that if an infinite being was put in, no room would be left for the people. They knew that if any church was made the mistress of the state, that mistress, like all […]

Christianity cannot live in peace with any other form of faith. If that religion be true, there is but one savior, one inspired book, and but one little narrow grass grown path that leads to heaven. Such a religion is necessarily uncompromising, unreasoning, aggressive and insolent.

My objection to Christianity is that it is infinitely cruel, infinitely selfish, and I might add infinitely absurd.

I have little confidence in any enterprise or business or investment that promises dividends only after the death of the stockholders.

The careful reader of the New Testament will find three Christs described: – One who wished to preserve Judaism – one who wished to reform it, and one who built a system of his own.

There are some of his sayings which show him to have been a devout Jew, others that he wished to destroy Judaism, others showing that he held all people except the Jews in contempt and that the wished to save no others, others showing that he wished to convert the world, still others showing that […]