Robert Browning Quotes

What I aspired to be! And was not, comforts me.

White shall not neutralize the black, nor good Compensate bad in man, absolve him so: Life’s business being just the terrible choice.

That’s the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over, Lest you should think he never could recapture The first fine careless rapture!

There are those who believe something, and therefore will tolerate nothing; and on the other hand, those who tolerate everything, because they believe nothing.

If you get simple beauty and nought else, You get about the best thing God invents.

How well I know what I mean to do, When the long dark autumn-evenings come.

I can have but little doubt that my writing has been, in the main, too hard for many I should have been pleased to communicate with; but I never designedly tried to puzzle people, as some of my critics have supposed. On the other hand, I never pretended to offer such literature as should be […]

One may do whatever one likes in art: the only thing is to make sure that one does not like it.

Madam, when I wrote that line, God and Browning knew what it meant. Now only God knows.

Rats! They fought the dogs and killed the cats, And bit the babies in the cradles, And ate the cheeses out of the vats, And licked the soup from the cooks’ own ladles, Split open the kegs of salted sprats, Made nests inside men’s Sunday hats, And even spoiled the women’s chats, By drowning their […]