P.J. O'Rourke Quotes

The pharisaical, malefic, and incogitant Guidelines for Bias-Free Writing is a product of the pointy-headed wowsers at the Association of American University Presses who established a Task Force on Bias-Free Language filled with cranks, pokenoses, blowhards, four-flushers, and pettifogs. This foolish and contemptible product of years wasted in mining the shafts of indignation has been […]

The principal author of the text, Ms. Schwartz – (I apologize. In the first chapter of Guidelines, titled “Gender,” it says, in Section 1.41, lines 4-5: “Scholars normally refer to individuals solely by their full or last names, omitting courtesy titles.”) The principal author of the text, Schwartz – (No, I’m afraid that won’t do. […]

Here is Robert Frost, last of the antiques, celebrating the inauguration of old-fashioned high-binder John F. Kennedy: Some poor fool has been saying in his heart Glory is out of date in life and art. Our venture in revolution and outlawry Has justified itself in freedom’s story Right down to now in glory upon glory. […]

We’ll run this planet as we please, and if you don’t like it, go back where we came from.

Hong Kong in a nutshell-a completely foreign city that’s utterly comprehensible. It’s a modern place, deaf to charm, dumb in the language of aesthetics, caught up in a wild, romantic passion for the plain utilitarian. The only traditional touches are the catawampus walls and whichaway entrances dictated by feng shui, the art of placing things […]

The concrete runway at Warsaw’s Miedzynarodowy airport is coming to pieces. From bumpy landing to bumpy take-off, you spend your time in Poland looking at bad concrete. Everything is made of it – streets, buildings, floors, walls, ceilings, roofs, window frames, lamp posts, statues, benches, plus some of the food, I think.

For forty-some years the ban-the-bomb bums, unilateral disarmament goonies, nuclear-freeze sleaze, peace creeps, and no-nukes kooks bragged about the horrors of atomic war. There was no end to their end of the world. They painstakingly detailed Armageddon, polished the Apocalypse, rubbed and loved a radioactive holocaust that made the Jonathan Edwards sermon “Sinners in the […]

Any rich man does more for world peace than all the jerks pasting “Visualize World Peace” bumper stickers on their cars. The worst leech of a merger and acquisitions lawyer making $500,000 year will, even he cheats on his taxes, put $100,000 into the public coffers. That’s $100,000 of education, charity, or U.S. Marines. And […]

At a sporting event, both men and women should stand during the national anthem… Black people should remain seated for a couple of bars and then stand up very slowly to show that, even though they got a raw deal and never asked to come here in the first place, they’re still patriotic deep down […]

The weirder you’re going to behave, the more normal you should look. It works in reverse, too. When I see a kid with three or four rings in his nose, I know there is absolutely nothing extraordinary about that person.