Galla, you ask why I’ll not marry thee? Galla, you are too learned for me. A consort so correct I cannot take: For I as husband, oft might solecisms make.
Martial Quotes
On the tombs of her seven husbands the notorious Chloe placed the inscription “The Work of Chloe.” How frank!
If fame is only to come after death, I am in no hurry for it.
The man who has a house everywhere has a home nowhere.
You make any number of promises when you have been drinking all evening. Next morning you won’t keep one. Drink in the morning, Pollio.
It is a mistake to think that Acerra reeks of yesterday’s liquor: Acerra always drinks till next morning.
Till lately Diaulus was a doctor; now he is an undertaker. What he does as an undertaker, he had already done as a doctor.
The doctor – detected, while he stole – A patient’s favorite drinking bowl – Had still his answers pat enough: “You fool! You shouldn’t touch the stuff!”
You are now a gladiator; you were formerly an oculist. You did as an ophthalmic surgeon what you now do as a gladiator.
When I was ill, you came to me, Doctor, and with great urgency A hundred students brought With you A most instructive case to view The hundred fingered me with hands Chill’d by the blasts of northern lands: Fever at outset had I none I have it, Sir, now you have done.