Martial Quotes

Who persuaded you to cut off the nose of your wife’s lover? Wretched husband, that was not the part which outraged you! Fool, what have you done? Your wife has lost nothing by the operation.

All the dissolute rascals invite you to dinner, Phoebus. He whom impurity feeds is not, I opine, a spotless person.

I’m annoyed, my Lupercus for ages your friend – uninvited to dinner you’ve kept. I shall take my revenge. You may beg, coax, and send – “Well? And what will you do?” Why accept.

Philo declares he never dines at home, and that is no exaggeration: He has no place whereat to dine in Rome, Unless he hooks an invitation.

Clearinus wears six rings on each of his fingers, and never takes them off even at night, or when he bathes. Do you ask the reason? He has no ring case.

I could do without your face, Chloe, and without your neck, and your hands, and your limbs, and to save myself the trouble of mentioning the points in detail, I could do without you altogether.

You are an informer, a calumniator, a forger, a secret agent, a slave to the unclean, and a trainer of gladiators. I wonder, Vacerra, why you have no money.

Fabius has bequeathed you nothing, Bithynicus, although you used to present him yearly, if I remember right, with six thousand sesterces… By dying he has at least saved you six thousand.

If you want him to mourn, you had best leave him nothing.

Wherever you run up against me, Postumus, you call out immediately “How do you?” These are your first words: you say them if you meet me ten times in the course of an hour. Do, indeed I suppose you have nothing to do.