No creed can be stretched to the size of truth; no church can be made as large as man.
Lemuel K. Washburn Quotes
We must condemn christianity, not christians; strike the church, but spare the heart.
Orthodoxy survives only by right of possession. Turn it out of the churches and it would never reenter them. The church to-day is a hospital for sick dogmas. Every Christian doctrine is a cripple; not one can walk or stand alone. Orthodoxy has put a false valuation on things. It calls a man good who […]
We are then to conclude that Christianity is held only by the ignorant.
There is no justifiable Christianity in this age.
But it is neither as God nor as a man that Jesus must be regarded, but as a myth. No such person ever lived either as a human or divine existence. He is simply a creature of fancy, the fruit of the imagination. He is a character of the brain, the creation of religious genius.
Christianity is a black spot on the page of civilization.
The beating of humanity’s heart cannot be felt by placing the finger on the church’s pulse.
People used to think that to mix religion with business spoiled the religion, now they think it spoils the business.
We do not want holy books, but true ones; not sacred writings, but sensible writings.