The church to-day is a hospital for sick dogmas. Every Christian doctrine is a cripple; not one can walk or stand alone. Orthodoxy has put a false valuation on things. It calls a man good who goes to church, offers a prayer in public and accepts the Bible as the word of God; it calls […]
Lemuel K. Washburn Quotes
Honesty is never seen sitting astride the fence.
A dogma is the hand of the dead on the throat of the living.
Unless some people change their habits before they die, there will be a lot of dirty angels in the next world, if there is any next world.
There is greater argument in one fact than in all the creeds.
The power that conquers men to-day must be the power of enlightened opinion.
When the church teaches that “confession is good for the soul,” it teaches false doctrine; it is only good for the church.
When religion comes in at the door common sense goes out at the window.
A man cannot be happy who believes in hell, any more than he can sweeten his coffee with a pickle.
No creed can be stretched to the size of truth; no church can be made as large as man.