Consenting to slavery is a sacrilegious breach of trust, as offensive in the sight of God as it is derogatory from our own honor or interest of happiness.
John Adams Quotes
It is wrong to admit into the Constitution the idea that there can be property in man.
Patience. Patience. Patience! The first, the last and the middle virtue of a politician.
Politics are the divine science, after all.
When I was young, and addicted to reading, I had heard about dancing on the points of metaphysical needles; but, by mixing in the world, I found the points of political needles finer and sharper than the metaphysical ones.
I have lived long enough, and had experience enough of the conduct of governments and people, nations and courts, to be convinced that gratitude, friendship, unsuspecting confidence, and all the amiable passions in human nature, are the most dangerous guides in politics.
These bickerings of opposite parties, and their mutual reproaches their declamations, their sing-song, their triumphs and defiances, their dismals and prophecies, are all delusion.
You will never be alone with a poet in your pocket.
Checks and Ballances, Jefferson, however you and your Party may have derided them, are our only Security, for the progress of Mind, as well as the Security of Body. Every Species of these Christians would persecute Deists, as soon as either Sect would persecute another, if it had unchecked and unballanced Power. Nay, the Deists […]
There is but one element of government, and that is the people. From this element spring all governments. For a nation to be free, it is only necessary that she will it. For a nation to be slave, it is only necessary that she wills it.