The greatest risk is communist aggression, communist conquest, and communist advance.
Hubert H. Humphrey Quotes
I am one of those persons who doesn’t believe that a political party ought to be just a rallying ground for anybody that wants to get under the tent…. The best way in the world to strengthen the progressive elements in American politics, the liberal elements, is to permit people who have been denied certain […]
When I edged up to the subject he said “Nyet, nyet. You are a subtle man, you are trying to trap me into talking about China. They are our allies, our good relations,” and here he stopped. I then said that without getting him “into the ally business, “I’d like to ask just one question: […]
The vast number of titles which are published each year – all of them are to the good, even if some of them may annoy or even repel us for a time. For none of us would trade freedom of expression and of ideas for the narrowness of the public censor. America is free market […]
Oh, my friend, it’s not what they take away from you that counts. It’s what you do with what you have left.