Henry Louis Mencken Quotes

When I hear artists and authors making fun of business men I think of a regiment in which the band makes fun of the cooks.

He (the businessman) is the only man who is forever apologizing for his occupation.

The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it’s good-bye to the Bill of Rights.

It is the invariable habit of bureaucracies, at all times and everywhere, to assume that every citizen is a criminal. Their one apparent purpose, pursued with a relentless and furious diligence, is to convert the assumption into a fact. They hunt endlessly for proofs, and, when proofs are lacking, for mere suspicions. The moment they […]

Fine: A bribe paid by a rich man to escape the lawful penalty of his crime.

The fact that a human brain of high amperage, otherwise highly efficient, may have a hole in it is surely not a secret.

The typical tale was of a student greatly interested in this or that branch of learning – and baffled in his attempts to master it by the incompetence of his instructor. Such evidence is hard to dispose of, for as philosophers observed long ago, a boy’s judgement of a man is apt to be pretty […]

I don’t think the boy of lively mind is hurt much by going to college. If he encounters mainly jackasses, then he learns the useful lesson that this is a jackass world.

I can’t imagine a genuinely intelligent boy getting much out of college, even out of a good college, save it be a cynical habit of mind. For even the good ones are manned chiefly by third-rate men, and any boy of sharp wits is sure to penetrate to their inferiority almost instantly. Men can fool […]

The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly greater than that of any other animals. Some of their most esteemed inventions have no other apparent purpose, for example, the dinner party of more than two, the epic poem, and the science of metaphysics.