Germaine Greer Quotes

Women over fifty already form one of the largest groups in the population structure of the western world. As long as they like themselves, they will not be an oppressed minority. In order to like themselves they must reject trivialization by others of who and what they are. A grown woman should not have to […]

Is it too much to ask that women be spared the daily struggle for superhuman beauty in order to offer it to the caresses of a subhumanly ugly mate?

Let it first be established that more sagging husbands fancy unattached women than are fancied by them.

The house wife is an unpaid employee in her husband’s house in return for the security of being a permanent employee.

Housework expands to fill the time available. Time not spent doing one task will be taken up by another – Washing used to be done on a single day of the week – Laundry is now done several times a day – Television commercials show beaming women snatching a single soiled garment from the back […]

Loneliness is never more cruel than when it is felt in close propinquity with someone who has ceased to communicate.

Psychoanalysis is the confession without absolution.

A full bosom is actually a millstone around a woman’s neck: it endears her to the men who want to make their mammet of her, but she is never allowed to think that their popping eyes actually see her. Her breasts are not parts of a person but lures slung around her neck, to be […]

Is it too much to ask that women be spared the daily struggle for superhuman beauty in order to offer it to the caress of a subhumanly ugly mate?

A sports-obsessed suburban wasteland devoid of cerebral stimulation… If your ambition is to live on Ramsay Street, where nobody has even been heard to discuss a book or a movie, let alone an international event, then Australia may be the place for you. The pain of watching its relentless dilapidation by people too relaxed to […]