George Carlin Quotes

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Scientists announced today that they have discovered a cure for apathy. However, they claim no one has shown the slightest bit of interest in it.

What do you do when you see an endangered animal eat an endangered plant?

Here’s another question I’ve been pondering – what is all this shit about angels? Have you heard this? Three out of four people belive in angels. Are you fucking stupid? Has everybody lost their mind? You know what I think it is? I think it’s a massive, collective, psychotic chemical flashback for all the drugs […]

What about Goblins, huh? Doesn’t anybody belive in Goblins? You never hear about this. Except on Halloween and then it’s all negative shit. And what about Zombies? You never hear from Zombies! That’s the trouble with Zombies, they’re unreliable! I say if you’re going to go for the Angel bullshit you might as well go […]

Oh beautiful, for smoggy skies, o’er insecticide waves of grain, and strip-mined mountain’s majesty, above the asphalt plains! America, America, man sheds his waste on thee! And hides the pines, with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea!

Instead of warning pregnant women not to drink, I think female alcoholics should be told not to fuck.

My father? My father left when I was quite young. Well actually, he was asked to leave. He had trouble metabolizing alcohol.

America has too many fake Irish pubs. Giving your bar an Irish name doesn’t make it a pub. The word pub is earned the hard way: tons and tons of puke and thousands of shattered cheekbones.

I remember when I was a kid I used to come home from Sunday School and my mother would get drunk and try to make pancakes.