Keep away from books and from men who get their ideas from books, and your own books will always be fresh.
George Bernard Shaw Quotes
Self-sacrifice enables us to sacrifice other people without blushing.
All great truths begin as blasphemies.
I see little divinity about them or you. You talk to me of Christianity when you are in the act of hanging your enemies. Was there ever such blasphemous nonsense!
The haughty American nation – makes the Negro clean its boots and then proves the moral and physical inferiority of the Negro by the fact he is a bootblack.
No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means.
I am convinced that if a dozen skeptics were to draw up in parallel columns a list of the events narrated in the gospels, which they consider credible, and incredible respectively, their lists would be different in several particulars. Belief is literally a matter of taste.
The only man who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew every time he sees me, while all the rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them.
Beauty is all very well at first sight, but who ever looks at it when it has been in the house three days?
Baseball has the great advantage over cricket of being sooner ended.