George Bernard Shaw Quotes

If only for a half hour a day, a child should do something serviceable to the community.

Das Kapital is the book of a man who took no part in normal German or English society, and wrote of Capitalists and Workmen like a Class War Correspondent and not like a fellow creature.

A man is like a phonograph with half a dozen records. You soon get tired of them all; and yet you have to sit at the table whilst he reels them off to every new visitor.

An Englishman thinks he is moral when he is only comfortable.

If a woman rebels against high-heeled shoes, she should take care to do it in a very smart hat.

Find enough clever things to say, and you’re a Prime Minister; write them down and you’re a Shakespeare.

Our middle classes, who are comfortable and irresponsible at other people’s expense… are neither ashamed of that condition nor even conscious of it.

We veneer civilization by doing unkind things in a kind way.

All the ways discovered so far lead to the horrors of our existing civilizations, described quite justifiably by Ruskin as heaps of agonizing human maggots, struggling with one another for scraps of food.

The Churches must learn humility as well as teach it.