Benjamin Franklin Quotes

Trickery and treachery are the practices of fools that have not the wits enought to be honest.

There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people more easily and frequently fall than that of defrauding the government.

I never saw an oft-transplanted tree, Nor yet an oft-removed family, That throve so well as those that settled be.

Be neither silly, nor cunning, but wise.

He that for sake of Drink neglects his Trade, And spends each Night in Taverns till ’tis late, And rises when the Sun is four hours high, And ne’er regards his starving Family; God in his Mercy may do much to save him. But, woe to the poor Wife, whose Lot it is to have […]

Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

He that drinks fast pays slow.

Drink Water, Put the Money in your Pocket, and leave the Dry-bellyach in the Punchbowl.

There’s more old Drunkards than old Doctors.

Don’t judge a man’s wealth – or his piety – by his appearance on Sunday.