Benjamin Franklin Quotes

Lovers, Travellers, and Poets, will give money to be heard.

Great wits jump (says the Poet) and hit his Head against the Post.

Who pleasure gives, Shall joy receive.

Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure, when he is really selling himself a slave to it.

Would you live with ease, Do what you ought, and not what you please.

Look before, or you’ll find yourself behind.

Nothing to do but work, Nothing to eat but food, Nothing to wear but clothes To keep one from going nude. Nothing to breathe but air Quick as a flash ’tis gone; Nowhere to fall but off, Nowhere to stand but on. Nothing to comb but hair, Nowhere to sleep but in bed, Nothing to […]

Constant dropping wears away stones.

Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve.

There was never a good war, or a bad peace.