A cowards fear may make a coward valiant.
Anonymous Quotes
A coward is a man in whom the instinct of self – preservation acts normally.
Fear of corrupting the mind of the younger generation is the loftiest form of cowardice.
Ned would liken himself to Achilles of old. I hope he’ll admit of a single correction; In his heels lay Achilles’ danger we’re told, Whilst Ned in his heels finds his only protection.
The cowards never started – and the weak died along the way.
No one is too big to be courteous, but some are too little.
It is difficult to find a courteous person today who isn’t trying to sell you something.
Woman begins by resisting men’s advances and ends by blocking his retreat.
Sustained gallantry is almost inconceivable.
Once a lawyer was arguing a case before three lord justices in the court of appeal, dealing with an elementary point of law at inordinate length. Finally, the master of the rolls, who was presiding, intervened: “Really,” he protested, “do give this court credit for some intelligence.” Quick as a flash came the reply: “That […]