Responsibility always exceeds authority.
Anonymous Quotes
Some authors should be paid by the quantity not written.
Someone told a newly published author that every word in his book could be found in another book. Stunned, the author requested a copy of that other book. The man sent him a dictionary.
It is better to leave your audience before your audience leaves you.
Sometimes when a speaker has the audience on the edge of their seats, they’re trying to muster up the nerve to get up and go home.
Many speakers confuse the seating capacity of the hall with the sitting capacity of the audience.
Each of us here, has a job to do in this hour. Mine is to talk and yours is to listen. My hope is that you will not finish your job before I finish mine.
I’ve always disliked following other speakers. Once I followed one who was so bad the audience was still booing him all the way through my speech.
When I get through with my speech, there’s usually a great awakening.
A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.